We hear statements such as “the luck of the draw” in which selection appears to be a random chance but if you are not in the drawing, you will not be selected or lucky with regard to that drawing.
So what about getting lucky playing the lottery? Many will be in the game, especially since tonight’s drawing gives the chance at one of the largest jackpots. Some will have a strategy for picking the numbers based on a combination of dates, the numbers in a fortune cookie, mythical insight, or something else. While there are statistics available as to the frequency of numbers drawn over time, these may help you choose the numbers you play but cannot really bring better chances of winning.
So how do I get lucky, especially in business?
- Decide that you want to win. It is much easier to be lucky if you want to win.
- Increase your pool of chances. Even if you do not feel that you are a social person, the odds favor the person who has met or knows the most people. Word of mouth is not a random occurrence. It requires that a party has the knowledge based experience or at least knowledge of a person or entity to make a recommendation or a suggestion.
- Deliver a quality service or product. Always increases the word of mouth referrals.
- Ask for the referral. If you want to change the chances of someone telling someone else and gaining another prospect, this is the way to do it. Better yet, add a way that someone can offer the recommendation publicly and allow you to leverage it across those you have not met or may not have another way of meeting.
- Have a campaign you create (whether or not they know it) for each customer that increases the chance of repeat business and more opportunities to buy your product or service. I got a bit of a tickle when a casket company changed some of its marketing through funeral directors in making family plans available. Most of these were used in pre-planning.
- Look beyond one purchase event for a client or customer. What life or business events (timing) will facilitate another opportunity.
- Become the source of information for your customers and clients. People gravitate to those they consider to be experts and generally do not question price if there is the confidence and benefit that you are the expert.
- Reach out to your clients and customers. Bring them the opportunity to do business with you and you will also take some control of timing. I was talking to a person this morning lamenting his business and the fact that no one calls him. Guess what, friend, it is your job to offer, theirs to accept.
- Ask for feedback, input, and other information from your current and potential base when considering a new or revised product or service. Engage, involve and show that you value their opinion.
- Perhaps the biggest of all. A genuine “thank you” goes a long way. That does not translate to a gift but sincerity. People are far more likely to repeat and refer business to an appreciative vendor.
While none of these points are new or magical, played at each opportunity and use of timing to focus on the best opportunities, I bet you will be a lucky person too. Lucky is as lucky does.